There’s a world of opportunity awaiting you in Turkiye and the Netherlands!



November 24, 2022 / NTTF News

Satisfied Dutch customer sharing his Turkiye experience

It feels good. A satisfied Dutch entrepreneur who shares his adventure about Turkiye. But it didn't go automatically! To make...
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November 22, 2022 / NTTF News

Turkish brand experience – Dutch marketing

Plea for more intensive brand experience of Turkish quality products with the help of Dutch marketing strategies. In the video,...
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November 2, 2022 / NTTF News

Results successful Agri trademission, Mersin & Antalya

Full of expectations and curiosity, a delegation of Dutch agri-fresh producers, importers, investors and eco-innovation experts embarked from Schiphol on...
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July 27, 2022 / NTTF News

Chairman MKB (SME) Rotterdam meets CCNT foundation

Chairman Pieter van Klaveren of MKB (Small and Medium sizes Enterprises) Rotterdam honored the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Turkiye foundation and...
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July 25, 2022 / NTTF News


In October 2021, the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Türkiye Foundation (CCNT) organised in collaboration with RAAD International B.V. an exciting trademission...
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April 11, 2022 / NTTF News

Meeting Turkish healthcare sector at embassy

At the beginning of March, a preparatory meeting took place at the Turkish embassy in The Hague between the Chamber...
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April 11, 2022 / NTTF News

How do we help Dutch entrepreneurs in Turkiye?

Turkiye is like a 'candy shop', a tempting paradise brimming with opportunity. It is nice to observe how this vast...
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March 7, 2022 / NTTF News

Results board meeting Chamber of Commerce Foundation

During a recent board meeting, it was decided to open the doors to new board members. Türkiye is 'booming' and...
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March 7, 2022 / NTTF News

Juicy news: Pomegranate fresh-pressing machine introduced in Dutch supermarket chain. It was about time!

More and more exotic fruit from all over the world is reaching the Dutch retail. Traditional oranges are delicious, but...
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February 3, 2022 / NTTF News

Where is unexploited market potential Netherlands-Türkiye?

Did you know that several Turkish sectors are missing out on export potential? Take textile for example: the unexploited export...
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News from Turkiye

In the Media

February 27, 2021 / Media

Anadolu Agency: Dutch DFI

Dutch direct foreign investments are apparently known in Türkiye. The 'Turkish ANP' Anadulu Agency published a news overview about current...
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October 28, 2020 / Media

Lira plummets, but no effect on buyers of Turkish goods

At one point, the Turkish currency was worth less and less against the dollar and the euro. But importers and...
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October 1, 2018 / Media

Dutch Companies Finds Türkiye Again

Turkije raakt weer in trek bij Nederlandse bedrijven en ondernemers. Dat zegt de Nederlands-Turkse Kamer van Koophandel tegen BNR. De diplomatieke rel tussen Nederland en Turkije, waarbij de Turkse minister bijna een jaar geleden het land uit werd gezet, was een dieptepunt, zegt de Kamer.
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August 11, 2018 / Media

Turkish-Dutch entrepreneurs might feel Lira fall

De koers van de Turkse lira verkeert in een vrije val. De waarde van de munt daalt al maanden. Turks-Nederlandse ondernemers moeten hier rekening mee houden.
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May 5, 2018 / Media

Interview BNR : Travel Advice Türkiye

De Nederlandse economie krimpt nog iets harder dan het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF) twee maanden geleden voorzag, maar herstelt daarna ook steviger. Wereldwijd rekent de denktank nu op een fors grotere krimp met juist een langzamer herstel het jaar daarna.
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Brochure Opportunities and Key Figures Turkiye

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Netherlands – Turkish Trade Foundation
Goudse Rijweg 382
3031 CK Rotterdam, Nederland
T: +31 (0) 10 766 00 97


Hollanda Türkiye Ticaret Dernegi
Tomtom Mah. İstiklal Cad.
No: 189 Kat: 2 Daire: 3
Istanbul, Turkije
T: +90 212 963 10 04


KvK: 57773599
IBAN: NL94INGB0008054469