• Dutch bicycle industry to Turkiye. Are you coming along for a ride?

    Turkiye was briefly the headline on the NOS 8 o’clock news this week. Apparently, the country offers a cost-efficient and high-quality alternative for the bicycle industry. This summer, the last conventional bicycles of the Batavus and Sparta brands will be produced in the Netherlands. The parent company, Accell, needs to cut costs and has decided to move production to countries like Turkiye to reduce expenses.
    Dutch production will be concentrated in one factory in Heerenveen (NL), focusing on the development of innovative and technically advanced bicycles. Unfortunately, this leads to the loss of 150 jobs and the end of production for these two iconic Dutch bicycle brands.
    However, the Dutch cycling culture remains untouched. The Netherlands is and will continue to be a cycling nation. It excels in creating new bicycle concepts. For every stage of life, there is a bicycle. Inventive ideas find their way abroad through exports. Additionally, the Netherlands has various cycling infrastructure, designed by (traffic) engineers who are in demand internationally for their expertise.
    Are you an entrepreneur interested in coming along for a ride? The foundation invites you to explore such opportunities in the metal, but also related sectors. Relocating to countries like Turkiye not only saves production costs, but also opens new markets in the region.
    The foundation collaborates with local market researchers and technical experts in the field.
    Feel free to get in touch!


    Source video snippet: NOS Television, Netherlands
  • Building A Future After Earthquake

    What has happened to the Giro 555 support from the Netherlands for the reconstruction of the earthquake-stricken region in Turkiye?
    Presenter Jeroen Pauw visited the heavily affected areas in and around Hatay, Gaziantep, Adiyaman, and the border area with Syria in the program ‘Pauw in Turkije’ (watch video).
    This NOS/NPO TV report also highlights the impact on trade (see minute 42:15), for which the Netherlands-Turkiye Chamber of Commerce foundation advocated on behalf of SMEs in the Netherlands (read article).
    Collaborating aid organizations behind Giro555: Care Netherlands, Cordaid, Kerk in Actie, Red Cross Netherlands, Oxfam Novib, Save the Children Netherlands, Stichting Vluchtelingen, UNICEF Netherlands, World Vision Netherlands and People in Need / Robbert van den Berg. We express our gratitude for their support!
    Analysis and statistics on the needs and opportunities for a sustainable recovery of the workforce in the earthquake-stricken area (field survey July 2023) can be requested from the foundation.


    * Share impact import/export per region after earthquake


    If your company is interested in an individual or group trade mission to the Turkish region to explore needs together with local Chambers of Commerce and entrepreneurs, please contact the foundation.
    How can we learn how to better prepare for such disasters in the future? Awareness of disaster risks should be heightened at all management levels and among employees in companies. The Chamber of Commerce foundation can direct you to experts and training programs for Disaster and Emergency Management Certification. Contact.
  • Visit to House of Representatives

    The Dutch-Turkish (trade) relations are of great importance. This is acknowledged in the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) when the book ‘400 years of official relations between Türkiye and the Netherlands’ is handed over to Jan Klink.

    Dutch export is about 5 BLN. Many Dutch entrepreneurs are already active in Turkiye – and vice versa. A good conversation between Jan Klink (liberal VVD) and Ethem Emre, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Turkiye foundation, took place (16-11) about how trade can be facilitated even better.
    To be continued.
  • Dutch agri-fresh trademission on Turkish TV

    The Agri-fresh trade mission organized by the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation in collaboration with partners DTTC and Raad International did not go unnoticed by Turkish TRT television.
    The delegation was welcomed with open arms because the participating Dutch companies represent a total turnover of +/- € 575 MLN, which corresponds to the six-monthly Turkish Agri export in 2021.
    In the TRT interview, the chairman of the Chamber, Mr Ethem Emre, is interviewed at the Interfresh Eurasia fair in Antalya.




  • The grass (and gaz) is greener across the border

    Entrepreneurs are under pressure because of the lacking of available human capital, affordable energy sources and reliable supply chains. Read article ‘The grass (and gas) is cheaper across the border’ published in MKB Rotterdam Rijnmond magazine (SterkR) sent to 14,000 companies/entrepreneurs in the region Rotterdam.
    Cheaper production of the same (or better) quality is a plus, especially in times of high energy prices and less reliable supply chains. That is why a group of Dutch producers travels to Turkiye every year. About 3000 Dutch companies are already established there.
    Turkiye keeps Dutch companies fit and vital. Why? Because more and more sectors are subject to growth ceilings, because the stretch is out, or because of a shortage of (labour) resources. Subsequently, entrepreneurs are seeking partners internationally.
    The explosion in gas prices in the Netherlands has made some Agri-fresh growers decide to leave the greenhouses empty this winter. Other sectors in Western Europe are also considering scaling down productions, which will affect related sectors in the Netherlands. It encourages entrepreneurs to roll out sustainable strategies.
    What kind of entrepreneurs will join the delegation of CCNT at the end of October 2022? Fruit & vegetables, logistics, engineering/components and an entrepreneur from the furniture/interior industry. Other sectors will be facilitated later in a separate trade mission.
    The success of the previous trade mission resulted in relevant contacts, contracts and even national attention on Turkish TV. Please note: let yourself be guided by a Dutch-speaking, local trade expert with an office in Istanbul or Rotterdam.
    Article written by Peter Wolters, vice-chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Turkiye foundation. Also sparring partner sustainability, digitization and international positioning.
    Read SterkR magazine, page 21.

  • HealthCare project NL-TR on Turkish TV

    The Turkish media reacted quickly to the press release “Turkish Care Capacity for Dutch Queue” published on December 8, 2021. The chairman of the Ethem Emre foundation was broadcasted via live streaming in a TV studio in Türkiye (topic “Global interest in the Turkish health system” ) were asked to provide more information about the motivation behind the NL-TR Care Project.

    The Dutch healthcare sector ran into capacity limits during the corona crisis, according to the filling of the IC departments. Planned care has also been partially postponed. The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) announced at the end of August that around 340,000 to 380,000 fewer operations had been performed since March 2020 than expected. The ‘transfer’ of Dutch patients to Turkish hospitals is currently being investigated by the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation.
  • Apple removes iPhones from Turkish webshops due to lira crisis

    Apple products are not for sale in Turkish web shops (Nov. 2021). Due to the fall of the Turkish lira, local prices are suddenly 10% lower than those in the US. The lira has already fallen 45% this year. The national Dutch financial journal (Financieel Dagblad – FD) asked the opinion of the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Türkiye foundation…
    The chairman of the foundation says that it is not a disaster scenario. Ethem Emre: ‘Türkiye has gone through a crisis before and then has recovered, the country is resilient.” He cites that in October, the World Bank revised its growth forecast for Türkiye’s gross domestic product upwards. The forecast now stands at 8.5%.
    A salesperson told Reuters news agency that due to inflation, consumers view electronics not only as a commodity, but also as an investment.
    Read the full article.
  • Turkish TV covers Dutch trademission

    Turkish TV broadcasted the Dutch trade mission of the CCNT foundation. The TRT Haber (Turkish ‘NOS’) nicely presented the Dutch fruit & vegetable producers/investors in their media.

    With this initiative, the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Türkiye Foundation has exhibited Dutch companies to potential Turkish trading partners.


    Translation of Turkish TV newsreader:

    “In Antalya, the local produce fair ‘Yörex’ has opened its doors to its visitors for the 11th time, 18 October 2021. The host facilitated an important gathering between Dutch companies from the fresh fruit and vegetable sector and their business partners.

    Formerly known as the Silk Road, now known as the ‘One Belt One Road’ (OBOR) formed by China, the Netherlands as the most famous country in the agricultural sector of Europe and Türkiye with its excellent trading position in terms of geographical position met in Antalya to further develop a trade volume of more than 20 billion per year.

    Dutch business people met their partners on location at Turkish products and also visited Yörex, the local products fair.

    Ethem Emre, chairman of the Netherlands-Türkiye Chamber of Commerce foundation: “With the aim of explaining agriculture in Türkiye to producers, exporters and importers from the Netherlands, we came here with 11 companies.”

    Fred van der Weijde, board member of the Chamber of Commerce: “It is a great organization here and we are very happy to be here. What beautiful products they have. And everybody is interested. Now we are doing everything to work together. We expect good results.”

    Anton Filippo, trade participant: “To be invited for the first time, I don’t have much experience in Türkiye, but my first impression is: fantastic! There are many opportunities for us Dutch companies in this area of ​​Türkiye. I see myself coming back very soon.”

    The intention is that cooperation between Türkiye and the Netherlands will continue and that Türkiye’s products will become a trademark in Europe.”

    Visits to local companies were organised by the chamber to greenhouses with an impressive 200 HA among which in Isparta, Antalya and surroundings including Fineke (citrus; bananas; capsicum/peppers; tomatoes; potatoes). Textile and IT companies were also on the B2B matching program in Istanbul and Denizli.

    Interested in a next trade mission? Contact info [at] kvknederlandturkije.nl.

  • NOS: lawsuit travel industry incorrect travel advice government

    More than 70 travel organizations call on the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to immediately adjust the travel advice and to distinguish between vaccinated travelers and other travelers.

    A country will then receive a yellow or green travel advice if you have been vaccinated or recovered from Covid. This is already happening for countries within the EU and it is high time that this is also applied outside the EU, according to the travel sector.

    Current travel advice dates from the time when there were no vaccines and is outdated. Current travel advice does not take into account the protective effect of vaccination and incorrectly informs travelers. The Dutch have the right to up-to-date, fair and reliable travel advice. The current incorrect travel advice is also causing great damage to the sector. This is especially culpable now that the corona support has been discontinued as of October 1.

    The CCNT endorses this initiative since well informed, responsible, healthy travelling facilitates international trade.

    View Dutch NOS TV

    Contact initiator lawsuit: Joshua van Eijndhoven – rechtszaak@voja.travel